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Network Initialization Process

During system initialization, the shell script /etc/init.d/network is called. These are the actions performed by the script at startup:

  1. Checks hostname and Internet address to determine if system should be configured as standalone or networked. Checks sys_id and hosts files. If the network configuration flag is off, the system is configured for standalone operation.

  2. Determines names and addresses or primary and router interfaces for typical configurations.

  3. Obtains any site-dependent information for interfaces from the netif.options file.

  4. If system is not diskless, the shell script flushes all old routes.

  5. Configures all interfaces, including loopback, using the ifconfig command.

  6. If configured for IP packet filtering, the shell script starts the IP packet filtering daemon (/usr/etc/ipfilterd). The ipfilterd daemon must be started before gateway interface initialization.

  7. Initializes gateway interface.

  8. Initializes additional interfaces specified in the netif.options file.

  9. If specified, initializes the Hypernet interface according to the ifconfig-hy.options file.

  10. Initializes the loopback interface.

  11. Using the chkconfig command, determines daemon configuration and reads relevant daemon configuration files (*.options).

  12. Sets default route for all IP multicast packets to the primary interface.

  13. If NIS software is configured, defines and sets NIS domain name.

  14. If NIS software is configured, starts appropriate NIS daemons.

  15. If NFS software is configured, starts appropriate NFS daemons and mounts any NFS filesystems listed in the /etc/fstab.

  16. If configured on with chkconfig, it starts standard daemons (inetd, timed, timeslave, rarpd, rwhod, snmpd, and so on).

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